Month: December 2014

Planting by the moon new calendar

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Monika Barbour from Astrology Solutions dot-com has her 2015 Planting by the Moon calendar published. The calendar is an in-depth accounting for the moons movements and the effect on your gardens development. It also gives the gardener total control over future planting, seed collection and weed prevention strategies so planning your gardening efforts are made easier and less time-consuming.

It is a complete timetable to maximise effort and minimise waste.

Have been contacted by Monika who says she is having trouble hosting her latest calendar on the web and wants me to provide a link to it, so here goes. If it fails please let me know ASAP and I can mail direct to you.


She now has an updated version here Moon-Planting-Guide-2015 version 2.

A change to the color legend is the only improvement made to an otherwise hard to improve on guide.

Even if you dont believe in planting by the moon, this guide gives you a timetable by which to maximise your efforts in the garden. No time wasting pottering around wondering what to do. Combine this with a seasonal planting guide, such as you can get from Gardenate dot com, you can plan and plant specific veggies on specific days and look to the future to enable scheduling of further activity in your garden.

Well worth the effort!